What insurance do you accept?

We are in network providers for Cigna and Delta Premier. We also accept other insurances that allow you to see out of network providers.

Do you offer sedation?

We can provide nitrous oxide (laughing gas) upon request. Intravenous (IV) sedation is available, but the service must be coordinated with another provider who administers it at our office.

Do I need someone to drive me after my appointment?

Unless you have elected for IV sedation, you should be able to drive after your appointment.

Will I be able to work/ go to school after my appointment?

The affected area will be numbed for the procedure. Most patients are able to return to work/school the day of the procedure.

What does the recovery time look like?

Most patients feel a marked improvement in the area following the procedure. There may still be some tenderness in the area as the tissue surrounding the tooth is still fully innervated and swelling from the infected tissue can still cause pressure in the area.

How much will it cost?

The cost associated with treatment can vary depending on factors such as the procedure needed, severity of damage to the affected tooth, and which tooth is affected. In general, endodontic treatment is much less expensive than tooth removal and replacement with an artificial tooth.

How many visits will I need for my treatment?

While some endodontic procedures can be completed in a single visit, others may take two or three appointments. The time involved depends on factors such as the number of canals in the tooth, whether active infection is present, calcification of the canals, or the anatomy of the tooth. Our goal is to provide efficient treatment while being as thorough as possible

Need an appointment?

Head over to our contact page to schedule your appointment today!